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PRLC @ Cruise Moab!

Moab 1 1 Proffitts Resurrection Land Cruisers

Proffitt’s Resurrection Land Cruisers is hosting a trail run at Cruise Moab 2017! Come join us you are guaranteed to have the best lunch!

Metal Masher – Trail rating 6

A major trail goal is Arth’s Rim, which overlooks Highway 191 about 1,300 feet below. The route first angles up the sloping part of the cliff to a gap in the rim rock. It follows Little Canyon partway into the mesa to resume the climb along the more gentle slope of the tilted rock strata. Much of the trail is routine four-wheeling, but the approach to the rim though Mirror Gulch is difficult and threatens sheet metal. The road portion on the slope beneath Arth’s Rim climbs to increasingly fine views of Arches National Park, Moab Valley, and the La Sal Mountains. That is just a warm-up for the later perch on the cliff top. Little Canyon has beautiful vertical walls, and a few arches may be spotted by alert riders.